An RV Trip to Remember

We recently received a Christmas card from a well-traveled New York City couple. The card displayed an image of the husband and wife with their two sons on safari in Botswana. Inscribed below was the provocative quotation: Not all who wander are lost.
The card reminded us of an essay…Continue Reading
The successful fly-by of Pluto in July 2015 by the spacecraft New Horizons captured our imaginations like nothing else in recent memory. Just think of it. NASA had a very narrow window to launch the spacecraft— a…Continue Reading
When we recently returned from the tranquility of Patagonia, we needed a psychological “heat shield” to protect us from the shock of re-entering the media-crazed “atmosphere” in the U.S..
Of course, we knew what to expect. Take,…Continue Reading
On New Year’s Day in Palm Beach, we strolled down the beach at dawn. The sky was nearly cloudless, and the ocean unusually calm for winter—in fact, the Atlantic was as still…Continue Reading