Featured Images: Portugal’s Alentejo

The Dordogne region of southwestern France, located two hours east of Bordeaux, may not be the first area that comes to mind when Americans are planning a French trip. But travelers in-the-know consider it, for good reason, one of France’s most…Continue Reading
Our recent European river cruise on the Mosel, Rhine and Main rivers began with three days in Paris. A road trip from…Continue Reading
Located in northeastern Italy just two hours from Venice, the Dolomite Mountains are not your everyday alpine range. These knife-edged peaks and towers come in irregular, fantastical shapes, as if formed by the gods during a primordial, Bacchanalian frenzy. Their vertical walls are literally in your…Continue Reading
Following are some highlights and tips from our recent journey across Austria on an editorial project.
If you drive from Vienna to Salzburg, take time, if possible, to go by way of the Wachau Valley (a section of the…Continue Reading
Just returned from a working trip across fabulous Austria!
Following are a few brief comments about Vienna, our starting point. Observations and tips related to the rest of…Continue Reading
In preparing for a recent trip to Rome, a well-travelled friend insisted we read H.V. Morton’s timeless book about the Eternal…Continue Reading